International Kids Academy

Picture Perfect! ☆ Kindy 3

Picture Perfect! ☆ Kindy 3


Hello, everybody! It's Kindy 3 blog day yet again! This blog is all about practicing drawing our self-portraits! Not long from now, everyone will have to paint a picture of themselves, so we figured now would be a perfect time to practice!

Everyone was super excited to get started! However, there were a few rules that everyone needed to pay attention to.

The goal was to make these drawings as realistic as we could. That means trying to avoid drawings that look like stick figures, and lean more into pictures where our extremities have some volume. 

Once those instructions were recieved, it was off to the races! The great part about this activity is that everyone has a chance to express their individuality! Every picture is unique in it's own way!

Everyone was allowed enough time to draw, but also give their pictures some thought. Creativity doesn't always come immidiately, so it was important to allow a bit of time for reflection.

Overall, this was a fantastic activity because it was also a small glimpse into how the students see themselves! Everyone was able to get some good practice in and get a better idea of how to draw a more realistic portrait. We're all looking forward to seeing their next picture! Awesome job, Kindy 3!

