International Kids Academy

Growing Our Tomatoes and Our Minds! ☆ Kindy 1

Growing Our Tomatoes and Our Minds! ☆ Kindy 1



This past week in Kindy 1, we've been having a blast engaging in lots of hands-on activities and games to learn new things. This month, we've been talking about different kinds of fruits. We played a flashcard game outside where we had to say the name of the fruit on the flashcard, and then toss a beanbag into a hula-hoop! It tested our vocabulary and coordination skills at the same time. It was a lot of fun! ☺

Even though we've moved on to learning about fruits, we still haven't forgotten about our vegetables. Our tomato plant, Aiko-chan, is growing more and more every day. Every time we go outside to play, we take turns giving her water!

As always, we've been getting better at Show and Tell every time we do it. We are learning how to ask "Who?" "What?" "Why" and "Where?" questions on our own now. It's incredible how quickly we are learning to speak English confidently!

We've also been trying really hard to write well with pencils using a "baby shark" hand shape. This week we practiced tracing some frog paths!

Last, but certainly not least, we had lunch with Kindy 3 this week. We had SO much fun making new friends, and eating and playing with them. We can't wait to do it again!

