International Kids Academy

Harvesting our green beans with our friends in Kindy 3, making green bean salads and mixed lunch! ☆ Kindy 2

Harvesting our green beans with our friends in Kindy 3, making green bean salads, and mixed lunch! ☆ Kindy 2

Harvesting our green beans with our friends in Kindy 3, making green bean salads and mixed lunch! ☆ Kindy 2


Hello everyone! 

We first planted our green beans on April 8th, and just yesterday we harvested them. It’s been 2 months! We have had so much fun learning and watching them grow. 

They are so big! 

Also, we did something special with Kindy 3, we had mixed lunch, but we also cooked and made two green bean salads, using our actual beans!

We are very focused, cooking is important work!

The first salad contained corn, tuna, mayonnaise, and our green beans! The second one contained corn, tuna, dressing, and our green beans! We were able to pick which one we wanted to try, and we all had some! 

Thank you much for being here with us through the learning, planting, and harvesting of our green beans! We will see you next week! 

