International Kids Academy

Inventions in Action ☆ Kindy 3

Inventions in Action ☆ Kindy 3


Hello Everyone,

This month our class of curious kids learned about lots of famous inventors and their inventions, like the parachute, the airplane and the band-aid. We had a lot of fun with hands-on activities to better understand these inventions. For example, a paper airplane competition in the gym.

To spark creativity and critical thinking we also did an egg-drop project. The challenge was to invent something that could protect a plastic egg full of water when dropped from a high place. The children were given card paper, tissue paper, straws, pipe cleaners, sticks, rubber bands, string, tape and a plastic bag to use as a parachute. They could make anything they wanted with their team to protect the egg.

All the teams tried to make some kind of box with a parachute on top. Some wrapped the boxes in paper to stop the egg from falling out.

This one has a plastic parachute...

This one has paper wings.

Every teams egg made it down safely! Yay!

Now let's try throwing just the eggs...

Of course, they all broke yes


As one of our monthly themes is about safety, we also did a band-aid relay. We practiced putting band-aids on ourselves the right way, and then having a relay race to save a hurt patient.

It was a lot of fun and we got lots of practice using band-aids!

I can't wait to do more experiments and activities next month!

