International Kids Academy

Stay Cool in the Pool! ☆ Preschool

Stay Cool in the Pool! ☆ Preschool


Hey, everyone! Preschool here! We've been havinga  blast beating the heat in the pool this summer!

Before we can go in the pool, though, we need to stretch! Let's wiggle, shake, jump and touch our toes! We definitely don't want to get a cramp!

Once we're in the pool, it's time to savor the cool water! We have so many toys we can play with while we splash around!

Everyone gets in on the fun, scooping water and gathering toys before they can float too far away!

While this scoop can hold some toys, it also has lots of holes in the bottm! Shower time!

Sometimes it's just nice to relax in the pool, smile for the camera!

Even our teachers get in on the fun, misting us when we least expect it! Is it raining suddenly?

If we ever get tired of splashing around in the pool, we also have this super cool water table to play with! Watch how the wheels turn as the water goes down!

Everyone is having fun during our pool time! We hope to keep the heat away little by little the rest of the summer! Good job and keep having a great time, Preschool!

