International Kids Academy

Our Summer Activities ☆Small Kids

Our Summer Activities ☆Small Kids


Some of Our Summer Activities!

Hello! This is Small Kids! This week, we would like to show you some of the activities we do in summer! In the hot weather, we like to do crafts inside! This week, we did a bumblebee craft! Our teacher thinks bumblebees are really cute, and since we are so cute too, she thought it would be perfect for us!



First, our teacher helped us put glue on our black strips. Then, we stuck them on by ourselves! It was really fun to be creative on our own. Each of our bees looked a little different, and that's what made it so great!

Then, we stuck eyeballs onto our bees! This made them look really lively :)

Next, we attached wings. Finally, our bees were done! 

We were so happy with how cute they came out.

Finished products!

Here are two other fun things we have been doing this summer. We love swimming and making crafts!!

See you next time! Good job Small Kids!

