International Kids Academy

Our Favorite Activities with Tristen! ☆ Small Kids

Our Favorite Activities with Tristen! ☆ Small Kids

Our Favorite Activities with Tristen! ☆ Small Kids


Our Favorite Activities with Tristen! ☆ Small Kids

Hello! This is  ☆ Small Kids! We always have so much fun in school, and this week we wanted to show you one of our teacher's favorite things to do with us! We enjoy many activities all together, such as swimming, playing music, drawing, painting, doing crafts, singing, and playing games. We wanted us to show our parents some of our favorite things to do!

One of Tristen's favorite activites to do with us is swimming! She loves the water, and enjoys watching us play so much. We really love splashing her, and pouring water on her :) It's so hot outside, so the pool is a really fun time for all of us.

This friend was especially relaxed angel

Tristen loves music, so she always thinks it is really fun to do musical instruments together! We choose an instrument, such as bells, maracas, or a tamborine, and we play to a song! We really enjoy this creative way to express ourselves and release energy.

We also enjoy when Tristen picks us up high into the air. "Me too!" we always say, and one by one, we fly like airplanes! Sometimes it feels like a workout for our teacher, but for us, it is really fun wink

Another thing we enjoy is drawing all together! Tristen loves helping us color, and she loves coloring her own paper too! It is so nice to sit down and be creative together :)

We also go to the Play Area sometimes! These toys that we do not play with often are always so special for us! This friend taught Tristen the names of all of the AnpanMan characters. "Thank you for teaching me, friend!!!" she says! We have so much fun in Small Kids, and we look forward to making even more memories together as a class. Good job Small Kids!

