International Kids Academy

Our Turn at the Summer Festival ☆ Preschool

Our Turn at the Summer Festival ☆ Preschool


Hello, everyone! Preschool here! This time we want to show you how much fun we had participating in summer festival events!

First, we tried a scooping game! It was a little tricky to catch the floating balls, but we figured it out quickly so we could gather them up in our bowl! 

For the next event, we tried a ring toss! It was tricky to throw the rings that far, so we moved just a little bit past the line. 

After ring toss, we tried a throwing game! It was a lot of fun to throw the ball at the cup tower! It made a big sound when all the cups fell, and that was so exciting! 

Finally, we went yo-yo fishing! This one was the most difficult so we got a lot of help from our teachers. It was a lot of fun!

Wow! What a treat! We got to try shaved ice! Green, blue, or red... which color do you like? We were very interested in the flavors and having a bit of festival life in our very own classroom!

This was the perfect sendoff to the summer season and we couldn't have had a better time! Thank you everyone for sharing your festival with us! And as always: amazing job, preschool!

