International Kids Academy

Working Together, Exploring Size and 3D ☆ Kindy 3

Working Together, Exploring Size and 3D ☆ Kindy 3


Hello Everyone,

Learning to work together and communicate nicely with our classmates are important parts of growing up. To encourage class teamwork we had fun building towers out of blocks in groups, while also learning about size and 3D shapes. We practiced measuring the area of a square in cm2 last time, so this time we looked at a cube and discussed the 3 dimensions of length, width and height. 

First, we tried to make the biggest thing we could out of blocks as a team, but we only had one minute!

But, we ended up with 4 different small things... because we forgot to work together.

That's okay, let's try again!

This time, we made much bigger things because we worked as a team! Great job everyone!

But which team's thing was the biggest? One team had the tallest, another team had the longest, but another one had the most blocks...

Instead, let's work together to make the longest chain of blocks we can!

All the teams worked together so nicely it was great to see.

Now, let's try making the tallest tower! This will be fun!


"Hands on your heads... Ready, Set, Go!"

"Finished! Look how tall our tower is!"


We all had a lot of fun playing with blocks and working together.

I hope that we can continue to work together nicely and communicate with our friends when we play with these toys after lunchtime. I love seeing the huge train railways, houses and shops that we make with our toys everyday.


