International Kids Academy

Outside Time! ☆ Small Kids!

Outside Time! ☆ Small Kids!


Outside Time with Small Kids! 

Hello! This is Small Kids! ☆

Over the summer, we really enjoyed going in the pool. Now that it is September, our pool time is over. We are finally able to play outside again! Although the pool was so fun, we missed playing with balls, the slide, and our cool house. Let's show you our outside time from the week!

First, our teacher says "Get your orange hats! Put your shoes on!", and we listen well!

We haven't played outside in a couple months, so we were so excited. Our teachers were very happy that we remembered the routine of going outside. We put our shoes on so fast, and almost all by ourselves! Then, our teacher said "Let's go!" and out we went!

We ran right to our favorite place! Our house! We love popping out of the window and going "Hello!!!!" and "Bye bye!!!"


We played with hoops, balls, and the slide! "Go go go!" Our teacher says to us when we go down!


When it gets too hot, our teacher sprays us with mist. It feels so nice! Finally, it's time to go inside! We can't wait to take a nice, cold, drink of water.

"Drink please!" One of our friends really loved taking these pictures!

We finished our day singing "Open, Shut Them," a song that helps us learn opposites such as big and small, and fast and slow. We love singing this song, and learning it has helped us speak more!

We can't wait for more fun adventures at school. Good job Small Kids!

