International Kids Academy

Moving, Grooving, and Telling Time! ☆ Kindy 1

Moving, Grooving, and Telling Time! ☆ Kindy 1


Hello everyone! Kindy 1 reporting for duty here!

We have been having a lot of fun this month. We're so excited to have our Tryle lessons again with Mr. Nakane! And this time, we're leveling up. We're learning more advanced exercises to challenge ourselves. Our bodies to grow bigger and stronger by the day!

Since September began, we've also been learning and practicing how to tell time! We made our own clocks, and now we practice moving the red short hand and the blue long hand to show different times. 

It's a little difficult, but we're trying our best to remember that the short hand tells us the hour, and the long hand tells us the minutes. We love practicing all together!

Of course, we've also been making plenty of crafts. For Grandparents Day, we made our own cards by tracing nice messages and painting heart shapes with toilet paper rolls and with our hand prints. We even had our own pictures glued onto the card to make it look like we were holding heart-shaped balloons. We hope our Grandmas and Grandpas know how much we love them!

We have been growing so much this year. We can't believe we're halfway through! We hope you stick around to see all the things we learn by March! :)

