International Kids Academy

Let's create our own technology! ☆ Kindy 2

Let's create our own technology! ☆ Kindy 2


Hello friends and family, 

We are glad to have you back on our weekly blog!

We have been learning about Technology this month. The way technology has impacted our lives over time and currently, and how it has helped make things easier and faster

What is technology? How does it simplify things?

We can use our imagination to create new technology together! What can we make to improve our lives?

We have come up with a flying car that will assist us in getting closer to the moon, and it features a seat at the top. This will make seeing the moon easier for us!

We also created a robot that will drive and bring food directly to us, regardless of our location.

Finally, we made a washing machine that can drive! If we need to wash our clothing, it will drive directly to us, and we can clean our clothing. So helpful!

We learned a lot together and had a lot of fun creating our own technology.

Thank you for everything! Seeing you here always brings us joy! See you again next week!

