International Kids Academy

Inside Picnic Lunch! ☆ Preschool

Inside Picnic Lunch! ☆ Preschool


Hello, everyone! Preschool here! This time we decided that since it's still too cold out, we'd like to do a picnic lunch inside the classroom! 

After everything is all set up, we listen to our lunch leaders! "This! Looks! Delicious...!"

"....Let's eat!"

It was so nice to be able to see all of our friends in the circle instead of sitting at the tables. We can look at everyone's face! 

The picnic-style atmosphere is really relaxing!

This is an exciting new event for us! Getting to sit and eat lunch on the floor! We have to try our best to still eat nicely...

It's natural to want to pose for the camera! 

....but it's also natural to be focused on the most important thing.... lunch!

Let's eat a lot today and maybe sometime soon we can do it again! Great job, Preschool! Enjoy your picnic! 

