International Kids Academy

Pajama Day Playtime! ☆ Kindy 3

Pajama Day Playtime! ☆ Kindy 3


Hello, everyone!

As you all know, we had Pajama Day last Friday! Everyone arrived in their cutest, coziest pajamas, ready for a fun and relaxing day. Pajama Day is all about unwinding, spending time with friends, and enjoying some tasty snacks.

In the morning, we played some of Kindy 3’s favorite games on the mat, like Heads Down, Thumbs Up and Duck, Duck, Goose.

After that, we settled in for a movie. We watched The Super Mario Bros. Movie and, of course, enjoyed some delicious popcorn. With the lights off, curtains drawn, and the big screen on the wall, it felt just like our own little movie theater in the classroom!

"Watch me jump like Mario!"

The movie was really good, and although not everyone wanted to watch it at the start, we really enjoyed it. We ate lunch, and had an extra-long playtime, which Kindy 3 loved. Then, we headed to the gym for some more active games.

Kindy 3 requested freeze tag and survival dodgeball, so that’s what we played! In freeze tag, if the tagger touches someone, the person who was touched must freeze with their legs open. Other players can crawl through a frozen person’s legs to unfreeze them. It’s always funny to watch, and Kindy 3 has a fantastic time playing!

Survival dodgeball was the same game we played last week during indoor excercise, but Kindy 3 had been wanting to play it again for a while now. Finally, we had a chance to.

We got a little hot and sweaty doing all that running around in our pajamas, but it was worth it!

"We love pajama day!"

