Cherished Moments in Kindy 2⭐︎
Hello family and friends,
As this school year comes to an end, we find ourselves looking back on all the memories we have made in Kindy 2. Every smile, all the achievements, and the laughter that has become a precious memory.
From the first day of school, when everyone looked so nervous and unsure of what to expect, to the days filled with music, dancing, and learning! We have discovered so much on this adventure...
an adventure that we are so grateful to have gone on together!
This year, we have learned about letters, numbers, reading, and writing, but also about friendship, sharing, patience, kindness, and all the joys of learning together.
All these moments that help shape a lifetime.
Though the year is coming to an end, these priceless memories will stay with us forever. We can’t wait to celebrate the last week of Kindy 2, and start to get ready for a new adventure in Kindy 3!!