International Kids Academy

Beeeep Beeeep! ☆ Small Kids

Beeeep Beeeep! ☆ Small Kids


Hello Everyone!! It’s time to tell you about our theme for August!!

It’s Transportation Time!! “Beeeeep Beeeeeep”

Let’s get to it!

We practiced along with the flashcards the different movements for each vehicle. Whether it’s a car, bicycle, or boat... we love moving around.

We also practiced some accompanying sounds. For e.g. a motorcycle goes “vroom vroom”

Now let’s have some game time!

We love games and the transportation puzzle game was an absolute favourite of ours!!

Kerstin showed us the puzzle pieces and we had to pick one and match it to the correct one.

Hmmmm... let’see... where does this one go?

Yay! I found the matching one! “Stick Stick”

We also played a new game called “Parking Garage”

First, Kerstin showed us what a parking garage was and how nicely parked the vehicles were.

And then...oops!? All the cars were gone! Uh-oh!

Okay! No worries! Small Kids to the rescue! We will park them back nicely into the garage.

We all got to choose one vehicle and park it into the garage. Kerstin gave us three options and we had to identify the correct one from her instruction.

“Where’s the bus?”

“Thinking Thinking”

Here you go Police Car. Nice and easy.

I think I’ll put my bicycle right here...

Yay! We did it!

And last but not least! Our transportation song : “Wheels on the Bus”

Sometimes, our teachers make a bus on the mat with chairs, and we all sit down and pretend to be on a bus while we sing and dance along to the music.

And we all help to tidy up after we are done. 

Team work makes the dream work!


That's all for Transportation!

See you on our next adventure!!

