International Kids Academy

Dear Grandma & Grandpa... ⭐︎ Small Kids

Dear Grandma & Grandpa... ⭐︎ Small Kids


Happy Friday Everyone!!

Small Kids reporting in!

With Grandparents Day coming up we wanted to do something extra special for craft this month! And although our hands are small they are also very CUTE! So let's put them to use and make some keychains for Grandma and Grandpa!

Before we began making them our teachers showed us an example of what it would look like.

Oh! This is what they meant! Understood!

Off we go with our SMALL hands but BIG hearts! :) 


Step One: Handprints 

With the help of our teachers, we spread orange ink all over our hands. 

Then we stamped it onto the paper. 

"Stamp Stamp"

STUNNING!! Now let's leave it to dry. 

But wait...we now have orange hands!? So before we can do anything else we need to wash off the orange ink. 

We have to be careful not to touch anything on the way to the sink so we put our hands together to be safe. 

"Make A Fish"

Okay! Hands are clean! Let's move on to Step Two. It involves two of our favourite "P" words...

Painting and Popsicle Sticks! :D 

What do we need? "P" again!!! Paint, Paint Tray and Paint Brushes. 

I'm Ready With My Paint Brush !

Let the painting BEGINNNN!! 

"Painting Painting"

We don't have to worry about making a mess either! We have our smocks on to protect our clothes and newspapers to catch any extra paint that may fall off our brushes. 

Look at that focus! Not even my friends can distract me from my mighty task!

Reach for the tray together...

Sharing Is Caring <3

Painting is always great but with friends it's even better!

Isn't this fun guys?! :D 

I know we're painting popsicle sticks but what if...I paint ... Myself!! :) 

Maybe I can be a baby hulk for halloween? What do you think? :D 

YAY!! We did it!!

A few final touches from our teachers and we are good to go!!

I'm sure grandma and grandpa will love these keychains!


Happy Grandparents Day to all the wonderful grandmas and grandpas!!

Thank you for hanging with the Small Kids!

See you on our next adventure! 

