International Kids Academy

Under The Sea ☆ Small Kids

Under The Sea ☆ Small Kids


Hello Everyone! It's the Small Kids reporting from Under The Sea!'s not summer yet but we can imagine right?! :) 

We are here once again to tell you about our Monthly Theme. And for January it was Ocean Animals!

We really enjoyed this theme and we want to tell you about our favorite Ocean Animal activities!

First, we got our rods and went fishing! 

Oooohhh...what is he gonna get?

We pulled it out and told our teachers what we caught!

Actually, let me just use my hand :)

Next, we did some animal rescue! Some of the ocean animals washed up on shore and they needed our help to get back into the ocean. 

Let's go to the beach! 

Oh my, where are the ocean animals? 

Ahhhh! I found one! 

Mr. Octopus is safe now!

I saved Daddy Shark!

Our teachers tried to make it difficult for us by putting other animals around the classroom and we had to think really hard about which ones belonged in the ocean. 

I know that it's the turtle, not the elephant!

Dolphins like jumping, so I will put him close to the surface.

Next up, a game with one of our favorite ocean animals - Penguins!

It's pretty cold in the arctic, and the pegnuins need a hat and scarf to stay warm. 

But...uh-oh, their hats are missing! Oh my! Can we help our little buddies with the right color hat. 

We each had a different color hat and we had to listen to Kerstin now! She will announce a color and if we have that color hat we say "I do" and then find the matching penguin on the whiteboard. 

Okay! Here we go!

Who has the YELLOW hat?

I do!

Now, where is the matching penguin? "Thinking Thinking"

There he is! I found him!

Yay! We helped all the ocean animals! Time to celebrate with a song and dance!


"Baby Shark... doo doo doo doo doo doo"

Look at these moves! Stunning!!

Excellent dancing Small Kids!

And another favorite activity, Story Time!

At the end of the day, Kerstin read us a book where we could see many of the Ocean Animals again before we go home. 


Sshhh... we are focused. 

Yay! We did it! Another month, another theme!

Thank you for hanging with the Small Kids!

See you on our next adventure!

