International Kids Academy

Globe Trotting Together ☆ Kindy 1

Globe Trotting Together ☆ Kindy 1


Hello everyone, Kindy 1 Class here!

Did you know we have been traveling around the world? It's true!

"What country is this?"


"What colors are on the Canadian flag?"

"Red and white!"

"Who knows what part is red?"

"I do!"

Where in the world are our countries? We know that too!

"It's so high!"

"If you back up a little, you can make your shadow reach it."

"This is Canada!"

"This is Japan!"

"Oh, you can reach!"

"Kindy 1, are you ready for a song?"


We loved watching and listening to the different songs from other countries!

All that dancing and singing sure makes us hungry!

"What do you think this country likes to eat?"



"Good guesses! Kindy 1, please clap two times!"

*clap clap* *clap clap!* *clap clap clap!!!!!*

Everything looks so yummy! All of us kept clapping to try to make Toni show us the next pictures of food!

"This is called sesame balls! What do you think is inside?"

"It looks like anko!"

"It is! Yes! Who likes sesame balls?"

"I do!"

After each slide, we all ran to our tables to record everything we saw! We colored our flags, filled in our countries on the maps, and draw what we saw for each song and food. We got faster and faster!

"Toni, I drew everyone holding hands!"

"Ari, I drew everyone happy!"

We liked the song from Canada! It was sung in French, telling each friend who will pass next under our arms.

"Passe, Passe, Passera!"

The song from China was really fun too! We made beautiful jasmine flowers that bloomed with our hands.

"Mo li hua~!"

We all got really excited to try Ring A Ring A Rosie! A really fun song from United Kingdom! The video we saw had two circles of kids, so that's what we tried to do!

"Atishoo! Atishoo! We all fall down!"

Good job, Kindy 1! Toni and Ari are so happy to see you enjoying our Field Trip Around the World! We have just a couple more countries to visit, so let's keep having fun together!

