International Kids Academy

Hearts for Everyone ☆ Kindy 2

Hearts for Everyone ☆ Kindy 2


Hello everyone! 

This Valentines day we decided to make our very own heart pillows. We had so much fun using our fine motor skills to we practiced when lacing. 

Laken made sure we practiced lacing lots before we tried it out on the pillows.

"Make sure you start from the bottom."

"Pull the yarn all the way through."

When we made the pillows we had to keep the two pieces of felt together and then pull the yarn through. 

Everyone was so focused while they were working.

Sometimes we needed help but we were trying our very best.

The next part was our favorite! 

"Make sure you stuff all the fluff into the heart pillow."

"Wow, this is so fluffy!"

We had so much fun putting the fluff into the pillows. 

Great job using your skills Kindy 2!

