International Kids Academy

Partners and Friends ☆ Small Kids

Partners and Friends ☆ Small Kids


Hello everyone, we're back with Small Kids!

Last week you saw how much fun we had playing games and enjoying our time at school. But, did you know we're being very social and being especially interested in each other?

It's true! We love being with our teachers and our friends!

"Round and round!"

"Wheels on the bus? Okay, let's sing that."

Even for lessons, we like to help each other. Toni let us do lessons together if we're really enjoying it.

"Let's do green, now. Where do our green pom poms go?"

"Green! Green!"

"Oh, are you showing your friend? You're so nice to each other."

We share very nicely for craft time, too. Whether sticking, painting, or using our play doh, we are very good at letting each other have turns.

"Was that yours or your friend's?"


"Oh, thank you. We should practice saying 'here you are' to each other, huh?"

We're even good at watching over each other during new and strange activities, like our Earthquake Drill.

"Earthquake! Earthqake! Everyone, come under the table with your teachers!"

We can call our friend's name, and we didn't cry or get scared at all! We sang our ABC Song while we waited, and were really interested in our teachers' helmets.

Our class is slowly getting bigger, just like us! We are getting really good at so many things!

Good job, Small Kids! Toni and Arisa are so proud of you and how well we can share and work together already! Let's have another great week together as we help our new friends feel welcome!

