International Kids Academy

We Are Having a Blast with Crafts! ☆ Kindy 1

We Are Having a Blast with Crafts! ☆ Kindy 1


Hello everyone! Kindy 1 is having a blast with crafts this month. We are learning so much about vegetables and animals, and having fun at the same time! This past week, we finished our very own zoos by coloring in our favorite animals and gluing them on.

We also finished our ladybugs and roly poly bugs during Japanese lesson. We stuck the antennas and faces on all by ourselves!

We practiced our vegetable vocabulary by playing the "Hungry Snake" game with our vegetable flashcards. We know so many different vegetables now. We've been trying our best to eat them during lunch too, because they help us grow big and strong, and they give us energy to play!

Lastly, we've been doing awesome at Show and Tell. We practice using big voices, full sentences, and asking our friends lots of questions.

We've been growing a lot this month. It's a big transition between Preschool and Kindy 1, but we've been trying our best and we're becoming a lot more confident in our English skills every day! Thank you for following our Kindy 1 journey! Bye-bye for now ☺

