International Kids Academy

Soccer Superstars ☆ Kindy 3

Soccer Superstars ☆ Kindy 3


Hello everyone,

It's August! For Kindy 3, that means we can play lots of games to practice kicking in the gym. By the end of the month I think we will all be soccer superstars!

To begin our first kicking lesson we paired up and kicked the ball around with our partners.

We practiced stopping the ball with our feet, before we passed it back. That way, it's easier to kick the ball straight.

"Like this, right?"


After that, it was time to practice running with the ball (dribbling). We zig-zagged through the cones and then tried to score a goal!

The next game was Red-light, Green-light: Soccer Edition! When I call 'Green light!', dribble the ball to the end of the gym , but when I call 'Red light!' and turn around, if you or your ball are moving you have to go back to the starting line.


'Green light!'

'Red light!'

For this game, it's really important to have good control over the ball! If you kick it too hard you will have to go all the way back to the start!

After this, we played one more game called 'Crocodile in the river'. I was the crocodile and everyone had to get past me with their ball. But, if I intercepted their ball I would kick it away and they had to go get it. It was a lot of fun!

It was clear to see that by the end of the lesson we were all much better at kicking and controlling our soccer balls! I can't wait for the next lesson in the gym!

