International Kids Academy

Science time! ☆ Kindy 2

Science time! ☆ Kindy 2


Hello everyone!

This week during our science lesson, we started to explore the importance of asking questions, especially the question “What if?”

We also used magnifying glasses!

What if? is a significant question in the field of science. It enables us to explore new solutions and ways to do things differently.


Our exploration began with closed plastic containers filled with bugs and leaves. We each took our magnifying glasses and looked closely as we thought of questions to ask.

What if we add water to the container?

What if we place the containers outside?

What if we take the bugs out of the container?

We had so much fun!!

Also, we filled out kindness jar again and had a special picnic in the classroom! We truly have so much fun during that time. We have lunch, we laugh, and we even dance!

We hope you enjoyed our class update! See you again soon!

