International Kids Academy

Splishy Splashy Pool Days! ☆ Kindy 1

Splishy Splashy Pool Days! ☆ Kindy 1


Hello everyone, Kindy 1 Class here!

We’re so excited because we have Pool Days to look forward to this month! We can get changed quickly all by ourselves (mostly ;p) so that we can get outside as fast as possible! After we are ready, we all line up and have a quick warm up exercise. We usually do this inside, but we can also do it outside.

“Did you take your shower?”

“The water was cold!”

“Sorry! Let’s do our warm up!”

“Hello Kindy 1. Are you ready?”

“Yes we are!”

“I’m ready!”


After a warm up of stretching, shaking, and jumping, we are ready to play!

We love to play with all sorts of of pool toys.

“Look, Toni!”

“Oh, did you put on your goggles?”

We are especially excited to splash!

“I got you!”

“Oh my!”

“I see your two water seahorses, and I have the water hose!”


It’s so fun to play with the water hose! Our teachers usually use it on us. But, sometimes they’ll let us use it on other teachers or friends too!

Pool Time is so fun and we are really happy to get in the water with all of our friends.

Good job, Kindy 1! Everyone is doing so well remembering our pool rules and showing their independence this year with getting ready for pool or tidying up. Let’s keep doing our best and have another good week together!

