International Kids Academy

Farm + Fall = Fun ☆ Small Kids

Farm + Fall = Fun ☆ Small Kids


Hello Everyone!!

It's time to tell you all about the very fun-filled field trip we went on last Wednesday!

We took a trip with our parents to the Acihi Farm to see, feed and pet farm animals. 

We have tiny legs but did lots of walking with our teachers and parents.

Here we go!! 1..2..1..2..

First stop, the horses! These ponies were super cute and we got to feed them their favourite food!

Thank you for the yummy carrot!

Next up... "baa baa baa" and "meh meh meh"

Can you guess the animals?

Yes Yes! We got to pet and feed some sheep and goats. We got some nice grass and special food for them as well. 

We had to put our hands very close to their mouths and be careful but we were very brave and did it so nicely!

Chomp chomp chomp!

Here you are Mr. Sheep!

That was super fun! What should we do next?

I know...How about small, fluffy and cute!


"Gentle... gentle" Soooooo soft.

So, after we saw each animal we got a sticker. Then at the end of the day we got a prize if our stamp rally card was filled! Our teacher would ask us which animal we just saw and we would look for it on our card.

Where's the rabbit? Over here! many animals and so much fun!

We are hungry now! Time for lunch!

We got to eat with our Moms and Dads. How cuuuuute :) 

Let's eat Mama and Papa!

Let's eat Mama and Papa!

That was so yummy and now we are energized again!

Back to the fun fun fun!

After we finished eating we did some fun activities like taking photos and playing with the fallen leaves.

Look at me Mom and Dad!

Throw the leaves up...and down they come!

Yeahhhhh!! Sooo fun!!

Hey Mom, isn't this leaf cute?

Next, we did a craft activity. We made a maracas from acorns, plastic cups and tape. 

So up the hill we went to collect as many acorns as we could. The more acorns the louder the shake!

Mom, can you hold my cup while I collect them?



Even when I'm collecting acorns I can do cute poses!

Aha!! I found another one!

Dad, be careful to not spill my acorns, okay?

Now, let's tape those cups up and make some noise!

I think I'll do a dance while I shake. 

"Shake Shake Shake!!!"

Craft is complete!

Let's go back down the hill and collect our prizes. about we slide down the hill instead! That seems more fun! 


I slid right down the hill in time for my prize!

Thank youuuu!!

What a great day!!

Thank you to our teachers and parents for taking us out on a fun-filled adventure!​​​​​​!

Thank you for hanging with the Small Kids!

See you soon!!

