International Kids Academy

Keeping Our Smiles Bright ☆ Kindy 1

Keeping Our Smiles Bright ☆ Kindy 1


Hello everyone! Kindy 1 here!

Firstly, Happy New Years! Last year was amazing, and we are looking forward to everything coming to us this year too!

In fact, we have started the week with brushing our teeth! Toni borrowed one of our toothbrush sets and asked us to tell her what we needed to do.

"Do we brush our teeth with our toothbrush?"


"Do we brush our tongue with our toothbrush?"


"Really? Not even the tip?"

"Oh, that's okay!"

All day we were so excited for lunch so we could use our toothbrushes!

"Ari, may I wash my hands, please?"

"Yes you may. Please roll up your sleeves and then wash your hands. When you are finished, get your toothbrush set!"


On the wall next to our mirror was a picture of our Toothbrushing Rules. We had been noticing it all day!

*brush brush brush* *brush brush brush*

When it was our turn, we were so focused.

"Did you do your teeth and your tongue?"

"Oh yeah!"

Some of us had a case for our toothbrushes, and we could take them off all on our own! We hope we don't lose them!

"I like my toothbrush!"

"I do too!"

"It is very cute."

"Toni, may I play please!"

"Did you wash your face?"


"Did you brush your teeth!"


"Hmmm, okay. Have fun!"

Some of us didn't bring our toothbrush sets yet. Like Toni! She forgot! But, that's okay. We learned what to do anyway!

"After you're done brushing, please remember to get a little water and swish it in your mouth."

"Like gargle?"

"Yes, swishing water is a little like gargling. Just keep it in your cheeks and not your throat. Then you can have the best smile ever!"

We can do that! We are already so good at it!

Good job, Kindy 1! Toni and Ari are so proud of how well you all did today. Not only have you remembered everything so easily after our long break, but you only needed little checks for our new addition to our routine. Let's continue to do our best this week too!

