International Kids Academy

Christmas Crafts ☆ Kindy 3

Christmas Crafts ☆ Kindy 3


Hello again, everyone! We hope you all are starting off 2024 on the right foot! But before we get into the new year, we thought it would be fun to reflect a bit on something we did in the recent past.

As many of you parents have seen, Kindy 3 made a Christmas craft! Normally we wouldn't be talking about Christmas stuff in January, but everyone worked so hard on their craft we thought it would be awesome for everyone to see a bit of their effort.

Since the pieces were so small, it took a an increased amount of focus to make sure we were putting everything together correcty.

Despite all this, it was also a nice and relaxed atmosphere where everyone could casually talk to their group, while still completing their work. This helped relieve any pressure anyone might have felt. 

Overall, this craft was a blast! It was fantastic watching everyone cut, glue and draw! It really showed how far everyone has come in the past year, especially in regards to their motor skills. We are so proud of you, Kindy 3! Happy New Year!

