International Kids Academy

We are learning about natural things!
☆ Kindy 2 

We are learning about natural things! Kindy 2 ☆


This week in class, we learned and discussed examples of natural and unnatural things, especially those we can find in our environments. 

Our first example was natural! In a small bag that each of us took home with us, we collected natural things we saw in our daily lives. Then, when we returned to class, we were able to show our classmates and teachers each of our natural findings and discuss why each one is considered natural and not unnatural. 


We found sticks, petals, rocks, seeds, pinecones, even seashells!!

We had a lot of fun learning about the natural world around us! We see how special our earth is and how many of the things around us are naturally a part of it.

We also wanted to provide you an update on our rapidly growing green bean plants! Upon arriving each morning, we say, "Look at our plants!" 

We love nature! Please come back to our blog to see our plants again; we'll be talking about unnatural aspects of the environment then!

